Introducing MicroPro Timber TOUGHTM long length timbers for pole barns, deck posts and structural timbers treated to CAN/CSA O80-21 Wood Preservation standard, Use Category 4.1.
MicroPro Timber TOUGH long length timbers are treated with MicroPro® Micronized Copper Azole (MCA) preservative technology, a revolutionary way to pressure treat wood to provide long-term protection for wood exposed in exterior applications from fungal decay and termite attack.
MicroPro Timber TOUGH brand wood product used for agricultural or farm structural building posts and poles in Ontario are backed by a 30-Year Agricultural Limited Warranty for first-owners against structural failure caused by fungal decay or termite attack. The MicroPro Timber TOUGH brand wood product must be registered within 90 days of purchase to authorize the 30-Year Agricultural Limited Warranty protection. The MicroPro Timber TOUGH 30-Year Agricultural Warranty is non-transferable.
For more information on MicroPro Timber TOUGH see: